Top 3 Forms of Hair Removal.

Women's hair removal has significantly improved in effectiveness in recent years. There are now several techniques to get rid of unwanted hair in a way that is more long-lasting rather than just the traditional options like wax strips, shaving, and hair removal lotions.

Disposable razors and other traditional hair removal methods might have unfavorable side effects like pimples, rashes, and ingrown hairs. We've included some of the top choices for both men and women in 2020 if you're looking for alternatives that will leave you with flawless skin.

Laser Hair Removal

In recent years, laser hair removal has become very popular, and for good reason! Laser Hair Removal Los Angeles is a painless process that effectively removes unwanted hair from sensitive places.

During a laser hair removal process, a professional warm up the hair follicles using a laser device. This technique removes the skin surrounding the hair without harming it. Laser hair removal may eliminate every type of hair, regardless of thickness or color, but if you have very fine or light-colored hair, you may require special treatments. The same is valid for those with darker skin tones.

You will normally need six sessions spaced out over a few weeks for permanent hair removal. But eventually, because of this, you'll spend less time shaving and waxing.

You can use a home laser instead of getting treatment from a professional, albeit the results might not be as obvious.

The skilled professionals at BLUSH Beverly Hills can conduct the laser hair removal operation in 30 minutes or less if you're interested in it. Get in touch with us for further details.


Dermaplaning is an exfoliation method that also works as a hair removal method. You remove the outermost layer of skin from your body using a sharp instrument akin to a scalpel. Even when shaving sensitive areas like the top lip, this technique is painless despite what it may seem like.

Because dermaplaning does more than only remove hair, it has gained popularity recently. It can make your skin softer and smoother and lessen the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. For this reason alone, dermaplaning is a popular method of removing facial hair. It's a fantastic method for getting rid of extra peach fuzz!

Dermaplaning can be performed at home, just like laser hair removal, although office visits yield greater results. In particular, if you've never performed complex procedures at home, office visits are advised. Dermaplaning often takes no more than 30 minutes to complete. You can instantly resume your regular activities.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about hair removal or other cosmetic procedures. Our medical professionals at BLUSH Beverly Hills have years of aesthetic dermatology experience. Each patient received individualized attention as we worked to achieve their unique objectives.