Tips: What to Do After Laser Hair Removal

Swelling and redness in the treatment area are the most frequent but transient side effects of laser hair removal. You might even experience a slight sunburn-like sensation over the first several hours. Within 1-3 days, swelling and redness should go away. Aloe vera or topical cooling treatments can be used safely during this time to ease discomfort. We at Blush provide one of the best laser hair removal Los Angeles location.

Tips to follow after laser hair removal:

  1. Use cold compresses.

Use a clean, soft washcloth that has been soaked with cool water to the treated region for a number of minutes at a time. A paper towel-wrapped ice pack is another option. After your laser hair removal procedure, this strategy aids in reducing any transient pain and swelling.

  1. Use prescription creams.

  1. UV protection

Your doctor would advise you to avoid direct sun exposure because your skin will be sensitive following laser hair removal. For a month prior to the surgery and a month following, you should avoid being in the sun. After that, daily reapply sunscreen to the treated area.

  1. Avoid using body scrubs for at least 2 days

Rough ingredients in body scrubs exfoliate the skin. When the skin is sensitive, they can result in redness and irritation. Use body scrubs only after your skin has recovered.

  1. Don't use tanning lotions

  1. Stay away from perfumes

When used immediately following a laser hair removal procedure, when the skin is extremely sensitive, perfumes and fragrances are hard on the skin and can lead to redness and discoloration. Avoid products containing these components, especially underarm deodorant.

Not only laser hair removal but Laser Facial Rejuvenation also gained huge popularity in a few years. The best place to go for aesthetic medicine in Beverly Hills is BLUSH if you want to look beautiful and natural without having surgery or looking overdone! It's the celebs' best-kept secret.